Fideo Con Pollo

In a 3-quart (10″) pan, cook the chicken in about two tablespoons cooking oil on all sides until the skin starts to crisp; about 7-8 minutes on medium-low heat.

Remove all the legs and set them aside. (Chicken will not be fully cooked yet.)

On medium-low heat, toast fideo in two tablespoons cooking oil, stirring constantly so it doesn’t burn; about 6 to 8 minutes.

Once fideo is toasted into a light golden brown color, add water, tomato paste, garlic salt and chicken knorr.

Bring the sopa to a low simmer and continue stirring until all the tomato paste is fully distributed.

Return the chicken to the soup and bring it back to a low simmer.

Cover and let it simmer on low for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and let it rest for another 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

Enjoy !!

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 420 | Total Fat: 25 grams | Saturated Fat: 5 grams | Cholesterol: 90 milligrams | Sodium: 800 milligrams | Total Carbohydrates: 35 grams | Dietary Fiber: 2 grams | Protein: 15 grams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different type of pasta instead of fideo noodles?

Yes, you can substitute fideo noodles with other types of pasta such as vermicelli or thin spaghetti. Just adjust the cooking time according to the package instructions.

Can I use boneless chicken instead of drumsticks?
Yes, you can use boneless chicken in this recipe. However, bone-in chicken adds more flavor to the dish.

If using boneless chicken, adjust the cooking time accordingly as boneless cuts cook faster.

Can I make this dish vegetarian or vegan?
Yes, you can modify this recipe to be vegetarian or vegan. Replace the chicken with plant-based protein alternatives or omit it altogether.

Use vegetable broth instead of chicken knorr and adjust the seasonings to your preference.

Can I add vegetables to Fideo Con Pollo?
Absolutely! You can enhance the dish by adding vegetables such as diced tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, or carrots.

Sauté them before adding the fideo noodles or simmer them along with the soup to incorporate extra flavors and textures.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?
Yes, you can make Fideo Con Pollo ahead of time. Prepare the soup and cook the chicken as directed, but keep them separate.

Store them in separate containers in the refrigerator. When ready to serve, reheat the soup, add the chicken, and simmer until warmed through.

What is fideo, and where can I find it?
Fideo is a type of thin, vermicelli-like pasta commonly used in Mexican and Spanish cuisine. You can usually find it in the pasta or international aisle of your local grocery store or at specialty stores that carry Hispanic or Mediterranean ingredients.

Can I use a different cut of chicken instead of drumsticks?
Yes, you can use a different cut of chicken if you prefer. Chicken thighs or bone-in chicken breasts can work well in this recipe.

Adjust the cooking time accordingly based on the size and thickness of the chicken pieces.

Can I use fresh garlic instead of garlic salt?
Yes, you can substitute fresh garlic for garlic salt. Use minced or crushed garlic cloves to sauté with the chicken, or you can add garlic powder or granulated garlic as a seasoning to taste.

Can I add other seasonings or spices to enhance the flavor?
Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with additional seasonings or spices to customize the dish to your taste preferences.

Common additions include cumin, paprika, chili powder, or oregano. Adjust the quantities based on your desired flavor profile.

Can I make this recipe in advance or freeze leftovers?
Yes, you can make Fideo Con Pollo in advance or freeze leftovers. Once the dish is cooked and cooled, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

To freeze, transfer the cooled dish to freezer-safe containers or bags and freeze for up to 2-3 months.

Thaw and reheat gently before serving.

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